1. Create an intention for the walk. The various intentions I created for my walks are similar to these: · To feel content and at peace at the completion of the walk […]
Energy Psychology
Energy Psychology is primarily “Emotional Acupressure” or stimulation of various acupoints in order to de-stress and release anxiety, fear, phobias, trauma, troubling beliefs and just about any negative human thought, […]
Wholeness Meditation Using REB
Listen to recording: (Download) Take some nice deep breaths and allow your body to begin to relax. Each breath takes you into a deeper state of relaxation. Choose a desired […]
Laughter – Don’t Leave Home Without It!
Some research says that it takes 7 warm and loving hugs a day to break even emotionally. I say it takes 7 hugs and at least one good belly laugh…you […]
A Spirit of Healing
Circuits of Joy Published in the Dec/Jan 2010 issue of Sibyl On-Line Spiritual Journal for Women Circuit: A partial or continuous path over which a current flows. Winter holiday excitement […]