Energy Psychology

Energy Psychology is primarily “Emotional Acupressure” or stimulation of various acupoints in order to de-stress and release anxiety, fear, phobias, trauma, troubling beliefs and just about any negative human thought, issue or emotion.  There are many different techniques developed by many professionals in the field, and all of these modalities originate in either Ayurvedic Medicine or Chinese Traditional Medicine.
Emotional Freedom Technique is one of the most widely known and easiest to learn.  Radiant Energies Balance, my specialty, is an energy psychology that I’ll share with you during the blog challenge. Thought Field Therapy was the first Energy Psychology Technique developed by Dr. Roger Callahan during the mid 1960’s.  Much of what Barbara Stone, PhD will teach you in the videos below stem from Dr. Callahan’s early work which is the basis of the Association of Energy Psychology professional certification program.
Barbara Stone, PhD Psychologist, a Certification Instructor for the Diplomat in Energy Psychology, has prepared several self-help videos to help you and I balance our energy fields and raise our quality of life.  If you are familiar with energy psychology, these videos will refresh your knowledge.  If energy psychology is new to you, they may encourage you to learn more.  My clients love these techniques because they help them feel better physically and emotionally.
Some Energy Psychology Web Sites 
Barbara Stone’s Videos

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