Independence, Alternatives, Emancipation, Choice, Options, Liberty, Boldness, Release, Liberation Allowing myself freedom to see the choices I have and the freedom to choose what is best for me Allowing myself to feel […]
Mindfulness and Family Life
What does it look like to live in freedom, hope and unconditional love? Unconditional love incorporates joy, forgiveness, compassion, inner peacefulness, acknowledgment, acceptance and positive change. With acceptance, we mindfully […]
Create YOUR OWN Success
We manifest our own destiny and we create our own success or failure, wealth or poverty. All the tools that you and I will ever need to create our dreams […]
Cultivate Your Inner Oasis
Our thoughts, conscious and unconscious, and those originating from our Higher Self, fuel the direction and quality of our daily lives. Thoughts really do determine who we are today and […]
Pathways to Wholeness is all about Mindful Living
The “How To” of Mindfulness ~ Beginnings ~ “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new […]