Mindfulness and Family Life

What does it look like to live in freedom, hope and unconditional love?  Unconditional love incorporates joy, forgiveness, compassion, inner peacefulness, acknowledgment, acceptance and positive change. With acceptance, we mindfully acknowledge our reality as it exists now.
When living within freedom, hope and unconditional love, we hope to:
• think positively and act in positive ways
• honor the natural interdependence of family life
• allow independence within family togetherness
• live each day with a hopeful, joyous heart
• develop a positive sense of self, including worthiness
• experience a sense of belonging
• make loving, appropriate, reality-based decisions
• be accountable for our behavior
• ask for support when we need and want it
• embrace peacefulness
• offer and receive respect
• feel safe
• trust
• enjoy emotional intimacy with family, friends
• enjoy emotional intimacy within our romantic relationship
• feel compassion for dysfunctional family members (current and past)
• believe in our personal power and ability to write our own life story
• live within our healthy belief system
(Page 72 in Pathways to Wholeness)