Women’s Healing Circle: Harmonize Your Energy Through Tai Chi



Learn how to harmonize the yin and yang energies of your body through Tai Chi. With regular practice, Tai Chi is able to balance and restore deficient areas of qi (internal energy) and optimize the flow of qi within the system. When the opposing yin and yang energies are harmonized within us, our mind, body, and emotions become calm yet focused — and the connection to our hearts and nature are deepened.

A channeled except on Standing Meditation by Frances Phelps

Tai Chi’s physical, mental, and emotional benefits are enormous.

  • Tai Chi is known to properly align the spine and strengthen the muscles needed for good posture and balance.
  • Tai Chi assists in the recovery of pain issues especially in the neck and lower back.
  • Tai Chi teaches you how to move your body more effectively and efficiently, increasing the body’s functional power – the ability to use 100% of the body’s power for a single movement.
  • The body positioning and hallmark circular movements of Tai Chi cultivate qi energy in the body leading to greater vitality and health.
  • Tai Chi practiced with dedication becomes meditative, allowing us to be embodied into the present moment.

In this series, you will be learning:

  • The concepts and principles underlying all types of Tai Chi
  • Proper body structure and form to optimize qi flow
  • Standing meditation
  • Core movements such as trunk rotations and stepping
  • 10-12 Silk Reeling movements such as Wave Hands Like Clouds

The Tai Chi healing circle is divided into three parts:

  1. Sacred space and Heart Massage
  2. Gentle warmup and Tai Chi lesson
  3. Group Healing Circle

Time: Thursday Morning at 10:00AM, or evening at 7:00PM Eastern Time

Dates: Starting July 28, and ending October 13

Place: Zoom

Total Cost: $168.00

Participants: Limited to 9


  • 12 healing circles
  • Development of a friendship community with like-minded women
  • Membership in the Women’s Healing Circle Facebook Community
  • Ongoing free Reunion Circles open to everyone in our community

Invoices will be sent to your cell phone through IVY Pay, an app made for mental health professionals. If you have an insurance debit account of any kind, you may be able to use it to pay for the circle.

Register by contacting Janet Nestor at 910-899-0820 by phone call or text message.


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