I finally gave in and purchased this book. It delivers, in a easy to read manner, some very important universal truths about human health and wellness. And it defines and […]
Category: Energy Medicine/Healing
REB Nurturing Wellness Through Radical Self-Care
Living a Balanced, Happy Life People always ask me if I use the same strategies that I teach. The answer is yes, yes, yes. I use them, feel better because […]
Energy Psychology
Energy Psychology is primarily “Emotional Acupressure” or stimulation of various acupoints in order to de-stress and release anxiety, fear, phobias, trauma, troubling beliefs and just about any negative human thought, […]
A Spirit of Healing
Circuits of Joy Published in the Dec/Jan 2010 issue of Sibyl On-Line Spiritual Journal for Women Circuit: A partial or continuous path over which a current flows. Winter holiday excitement […]