Love, Unity, and Freedom

love can heal the world“If a heart is happy, a person is happy and that same person interacts with others and his world in a simple peaceful manner. If a heart is breaking, the person interacts with the world from a place of pain and weakness and this too changes the world, only this time instead of raising the vibration it lowers the vibration of everyone who comes in contact with this sad person.”

~Yeshua from Yeshua: One Hundred Meaningful Messages for Messengers

Our natural human state is one of love, joy, happiness, and connection to life and the creative force of the universe. While we do learn from our mistakes and the pain that life can bring us, pain is not our natural state of being.

All over the world people are hurting, their hearts are sad and broken. Their hope has almost vanished. Here in the United States, with all the killing, with the most recent massacre of hatred, we can barely visualize a future without more violence. The future we do visualize feels unstable … feels completely unknown to us because not that long ago we felt safe in our homes, safe at sporting events, safe on a train, and safe in a restaurant or a crowded night club. Our nation was founded on the concept of love, personal freedom, religious freedom, and democracy for all. If we live within those concepts, we are safe.

In this place of the unknown it is so easy to fill our hearts with fear and retreat into the old ways of segregation, as system that was created by fear, prejudice, and unfair judgment. If we study history, the ways of segregation did not work! The ways of segregation have not worked anywhere in the world at any time in human history. So, it is very unreasonable to think that segregating the people of America by religion, race, skin color, ethnic backgrounds, or sexual preference is a reasonable solution to what we feel today. It is unthinkable to believe that building walls of any kind (emotional or physical) will sustain the concepts of love, religious freedom, and democracy for all.

We can return to a time in history when the wall separated east and west Germany, when the concentration death camps killed millions of innocent Jews during WW2, or when the “Japanese-American relocation camps created untold suffering. And, who wants to return to the beliefs, fear, and hatred that created The Trail of Tears and reservations for our native sons and daughters, the American Indians. And who wants to relive the era of separate bathrooms, water fountains, and schools for all of those of color.

The United States and the world have become a huge melting pot of nationalities, races, and religions. Is it wise to forget that many of us are products of that melting pot with genes from multiple races creating family members who grew up loyal to different religions and ethnic customs and family members with different skin colors and tones?

We can also choose to live with love filled hearts. We can choose to raise our individual vibrational frequency by filling our heart with love. We can share the gifts of personal freedom, peace and contentment with our fellow human beings. We can teach our children and grandchildren kindness, compassion, and equality for all and support them in their learning by living mindfully and gently.

All the major religions of the world believe in one God – One creator. Yet we feel free to serve our judgment and criticism on anyone who did not choose our path – the path that we were born into or adopted as adults. If there truly is only one God, then there is only one path to travel, and that is the path of love, kindness, and compassion for all.

Many of us have forgotten the precepts of our belief system and let our hearts be filled with fear and hatred instead of love.

Love unites us as a diverse and beautiful human family with far more similarities than differences.

Regardless of our religious beliefs and loyalties, if each of us chose kindness as a spiritual path, we could create a way of life that allows us to be generous with our resources – making sure that every human on this planet has their basic needs met. If we all chose kindness as a way of life, we’d have a world community of beings who honor Earth, honor all life on the planet, and work hard to sustain Mother Nature’s children and the human race. We can’t survive unless we work together.

We have two choices:

  1. Chaos, violence, terror, and war
  2. Love, unity, and peace.

What is your choice?


  • I don’t know that we have much of a choice other than to actively pull out the vibration-lowering, life-energy consuming weeds of hatred that appear unbidden in any and every form in our life gardens – so that the flower seeds of love, unity and freedom can bloom in our hearts, in our backyards, in our neighborhoods, in our cities, and in the world at large. We have to actively cultivate our gardens of joy and truth. That is a choice we can make with awareness. The freedom to make that choice is perhaps true freedom.
    Namaste. Kumud.

    • I agree 100%. It is time for us to plant, tend, and harvest the seeds of love, unity, and freedom.

      I love this ” The freedom to make that choice is perhaps true freedom”

  • Namaste Janet,
    I don’t know that we have much of a choice other than to actively pull out the vibration-lowering, life-energy consuming weeds of hatred that appear unbidden in any and every form in our life gardens – so that the flower seeds of love, unity and freedom can bloom in our hearts, in our backyards, in our neighborhoods, in our cities, and in the world at large. We have to actively cultivate our gardens of joy and truth. That is a choice we can make with awareness. The freedom to make that choice is perhaps true freedom.
    Peace. Kumud.

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