#IAMChoosingLove – The Birth of a Movement

Guest post by Joan Kappes
2015. Paris was attacked. In an instant, the world allowed the floodgates of Love, Light and Compassion to open…and Light overcame the darkness.
As with millions of people, I prayed and sent Love to the people of Paris and all those around the world who suffer this kind of brutality.
While the loving outreach to our worldwide family was appropriate and powerful, I sensed there was more this time – something bigger was desiring to be born. I spent much time in meditation that day.
From this meditation came inspiration for the idea: The energy and ‘download’ surged through me. I could hardly get the words onto the page fast enough! The depth! The potential! The Joy! What raced through me: “Everyone, absolutely everyone can be involved on their own level, however they choose!”
#IAmChoosingLove is a simple, life altering, world altering idea. It is a project, a movement of awareness, intention, ‘being’ and action involving both individual and group – allowing the Creator who IS Love, to create through us and with us.
#IAMChoosingLove in its simplest form asks each of us, “How are you choosing Love”? How are you loving on purpose?”
In it’s deeper form, #IAMChoosingLove incorporates 5 areas of focus: Awareness, I AM, Choice, Love, IAMChoosingLove. It is an uncovering, then a conscious choice to incorporate these 5 areas into our lives. It is a never ending, adventurous dance with The Creator and with each other using the energy of Love as the creative tool.
Below, is a highlight of each of the 5 focal areas. I have included a link which expands each area.
Awareness: Learning the skill of awareness is a fabulous, life changing, life enhancing skill; it is a habit that can be created. (Click this link to discover more about awareness – what is it? Why should I care? How do I create a new habit of being aware? How can I use it to create a fabulous life?)
‘Leaping Exercise’ #1: How aware are you of being aware?
I AM: Connecting with and allowing our true self to shine is the purpose and joy of our life. Imagine experiencing ‘you’ as:
- I am Enough
- I am Whole
- I am healthy and vibrant
- I am a powerhouse of Joy!
- I am passionate about life!
- I am curious and creative!
- I am a Lover of Life!
- I am Loved
- I am Loveable
- I am the essence of God
- I am ME….
Click this link to dive into ‘I AM’ – what is it? What does my past have to do with this? How do I change my ‘I AM’s? How do I discover the power of my ‘I AM’?
‘Leaping Exercise’ #2: What ‘I Ams’ do you claim as ‘you’ and how do you share them?
Choosing: Allowing ourselves to become aware of the gift of limitless free choice; this is the gift that holds depth, beauty, presence and power – designed to bring joy and unprecedented freedom for those curious enough to uncover its treasures and learn to consciously use its power.
Click this link to explore the gift you use (consciously or unconsciously) everyday
Love: Becoming aware that not only is Love something we yearn for, it IS the stream which carries us. Love is the blanket surrounding us. Love is the connection joining us. It is more than just a comforting phrase or gesture. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. Love IS life. It is who we are.
Click this link to discover more of what we’re made of and the energy that surrounds us all
‘Leaping Exercise’ # 3: What is your definition of Love. Can you expand it? How does Love transform you?
#IAMChoosingLove: Creatively answering the invitation to be the ‘I AM’ we are – Consciously using our gift of free choice, beautifully creating from our passions and joys – Allowing Love to flow in us and through us – Developing the habit and the knowing that ‘I always have the choice to Love’
‘Leaping Exercise’ #4: A. How will you create the habit of choosing love? B. Our collective consciousness is exponentially powerful. What can we do as a group of like-minded people committed to choosing love?
‘Leaping Exercise #5: How to begin using #IAMChoosingLove:
Use the hashtag #IAMChoosingLove to create the awareness in your mind. Use it in your social media, on notes in your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your fridge, etc. You are creating a habit, so do whatever will help you remember. Notice the effect it has on you. Enjoy what you are discovering! Commit to it for 30 days and let your intuition guide you as to how to expand on the myriad of ways you can choose love. Look for the hashtag and engage with others who are also becoming aware of the beauty of the unfolding. Invite others to join! This Love energy is the most powerful energy known. It will lead us to each other and to others who are open to receiving it. Let the magic begin!
Join us! I invited Janet Nestor and Denna Shelton to be pioneers with me on this adventure! They are wise, fun, inspiring and a joy to know! Below are their #IAmChoosingLove stories:
Janet Nestor https://mindfulpathways.com/i-am-choosing-love/
Denna Shelton http://tinyurl.com/jsoswg2
Joan Kappes http://bit.ly/1VIkZm2
We invite you to Tweet with us @Joan_Kappes @JanetNestor @TwentyGems. Add your wisdom, insight, and humor to the steady flow of inspiration found at the hashtag #IAmChoosinglove. More inspiration can be found on our Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/janetnestor/iamchoosinglove/
Also, did you know you can add the hashtag #IAMChoosingLove to your Facebook posts and Instagram?
More to come! We invite you to share your inspiration with all of us as this inspired movement expands well beyond the hashtag! #IAmChoosingLove – Joan Kappes