Living in the Now

Week 4 of the Nurturing Wellness through Radical Self-Care daily Mindful Minutes is found on my new Facebook page Take a look, think through the comments and questions and enjoy the sparkles you create.
We all want to lead a grounded, capable, powerful, clear minded life. We want make good choices and decisions. We want to feel the expansion of our consciousness, and we want to feel the love.
To have this magnificent experience of “living in the now” it is necessary that you and I feel comfortable in our own skin.
Is there one grand secret that will create this happy now-focused life? I am sad to say no, there is not. But, I can share a few tips that will help you grow into feeling clear, capable, powerful, and connected to the flow of the Universe.
The closest thing to the grand secret that allows you to feel the “happiness buzz” every day is learning to feel grounded and centered within your energy field; feeling the feelings that you are entitled to feel – vigor, strength, safety, enthusiasm, joy, creativity, personal power – your own private emotional bliss – self-love!
Few of us are taught emotional or spiritual self-care skills as we grow up. Because you and I were not taught, there is no need to feel guilty for not having developed these skills. The time is now!
If you are motivated to get more from your already enjoyable life, or if you are stressed out, bummed out, burnt out, and searching for some new skills to preserve your sanity – I understand. I’ve been there.
I’ve had to search and find. I’ve had to learn to accept myself as a separate, unique individual. I’ve had to learn that I am worthy and competent. I’ve had to accept my early life as it was and let go of the fact that I’d never really know my genetics or my biological father. Not easy work to do and it took time, patience, and energy.
Personal work expands you to new horizons, always lifts you up to where you were born to be, always sets you on the path to a now focused, grounded, and positive life – a happy life!
Tips for living happily in the now:
- Look in the mirror and declare “I’m OK” and “You Are OK”
- Look in the mirror and state “I am beautiful”.
- Accept that you have things to learn – that you are living in process – that you can’t have all the answers no matter how desperately you might want them.
- Accept that you have baggage that needs to be left at the dump.
- Admit that you are not perfectly formed, perfectly educated, perfectly employed, that your family is not perfect, your house is not perfect, and you don’t have the perfect amount of money, or the perfect way to get more of it.
- Realize and accept that all the imperfection in your life makes you human, not unworthy.
- Accept and forgive yourself for having made mistakes.
- Accept that you will most likely make more mistakes.
- Stop being embarrassed about your flaws and stop hiding the things you need to do in order to take care of you!
- Concentrate on the positive.
- Know that YOU ARE IMPORTANT to at least one person who is very important to you – Many people like you, some love you and enjoy your company.
- Find some things that you like to do and do them as often as possible.
- Identify a place that you can go that brings you a contented and peaceful feeling. For me, I get this feeling when surrounded by nature – especially trees and water.
- Find some happy people and ask them lots of questions and memorize their answers.
- Apply what you learn.
- No matter how tired, how over-worked, or how helpless you feel – find time for fun, laughter, and play.
- Embrace and own the joy that currently exists in your life. I hear some of you saying there is none. I say there is … find it!
- Learn some easy-to-use self-care techniques to ease your stress, quiet your monkey mind, and give you a new lease on life.
- Practice your new skills.
- Notice the positive change and celebrate even the tiniest success. They add up!
Below you can download my grounding handout from my Day of Radical Self-Care Classes. It is a great exercise that anyone can do. It only takes a few minutes, so take the time to do it every morning when you first get up and every night before you go to bed. You can also use it as a powerful meditation.
Register here for the Grounding Handout. After you leave your name and email address, you will receive a confirmation email and will then be redirected to the Grounding page.
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Wonderful advice Janet. I found myself becoming grounded as I read you words. Your words have a profoundly positive affect on people, calming, grounding. Thank you! You are beautiful! You do have a gift.
Hi Karen,
Love to you my friend. Thank you for leaving a comment. Just seeing you here created a nice warm and happy smile on my face and in my heart.