I Choose a Joy-Filled Life

Joy feels like love! Joy is about the most amazing energy there is. We fly high, spirit souring, infused with a smile, laughter, and pure delight. Our feet don’t touch the ground, and our heart is the heartbeat of the angels. I choose joy! Don’t you?
What are the alternatives? Sadness? Grief? Never ending exasperation? I decided I did not like the heavy thoughts and the even heavier experiences created by negativity. One day when I’d had enough – when I’d healed enough, when I was able to have another vision of life, when I realized I was loved from above no matter what – I chose joy.
Now years into the joy mission, I have learned a lot professionally and personally. I had to transcend enough of my personal pain before I was ready for the professional training that I promised myself I’d have. For a while, I worked at a residential addictions recovery center, and doing so helped me create an inner atmosphere ready for personal change. I began my tai chi experience, began to study energy healing, and became inspired to add to the professional training and experiences I’d already acquired. My life has never been the same. Every second on this new professional path was joy. I was home.
I’ve looked for hours for the exact musical inspiration to share with you. A joy path brings us into the same inner unity and understanding that many of us want for our world community. The energy of the earth is changing from a warrior, violent, and intolerant culture to a more loving, accepting, peaceful way of living. We are beginning to gather to gather in small groups for the higher good of all. We’re learning to walk our joy journey together.
Take a listen. Share the hope of love, joy, and togetherness for just three or four moments.
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Thank you, Janet! For choosing Joy, and not just choosing it, but sharing it with us ~ for your joy helps us grow! 🙂
Read your post and listened to the song ~ such brilliance in the simplicity of “One Love”. In gratitude,
Hi Kumud,
I am glad you mentioned “One Love” .. I loved that video too … so beautiful in its intent!
I love that you read mindfulpathways posts and leave a comment. Warms my heart and motivates me to
keep sharing! Thank you my friend for all you do to keep #spiritchat on twitter and a positive
part of so many lives.
My favorite part is that joy is a choice and that joy feels like love.
Yolanda, I agree – I believe that joy feeling like love is my favorite part too.
So nice sharing joy with you!