
ConnectionConnection is a feeling of inner strength that is self-empowering. It is free of ego and filled with the love that flows from the heart.

Positive connection connotes a powerful relationship with self or another. If I say I feel connected in life, I feel happy to be alive, I am fully present within my body, and I feel worthy and strong. I’m living within my personal belief system.

If I say I am emotionally connected, it means I am aware of my emotions and how I am interacting with them. I can name the emotions I am feeling, (anger, resentment, jealousy, frustration, hopelessness, love, compassion, joy, safety) therefore I can interact with the emotion, make any change as needed, learn my lesson, and let the emotion go.

Many of us keep our connections rather private, especially our connection to spirit. I have written many times about aspects of my spiritual journey; however, I’m entering new territory with a new book that discloses my relationship with Yeshua. When I said yes to record Yeshua’s stories for him, I also agreed to do it on his terms. His stories had to remain his without my interpretation. It was necessary that I follow all instructions no matter how challenging they might be.

Yeshua: One Hundred Meaningful Messages for Messengers is not a religious book, however it does make clear that Yeshua was deeply connected and committed to his Jewish heritage and remained so throughout his life. The messages are similar to those found in an autobiography. He shares his thoughts, his ideas, his feelings, fears, and challenges. He wants you to know him as a man – as he was – a dynamic, charismatic, young Rabbi who became an esteemed scholar, teacher, leader, and religious activist. He loved his life, his inner circle of friends, family and followers. He was fully connected and fully present in his human life until the second of his death. He was also fully connected to his spirit family – especially his spiritual father who guided his every action. His connection to human life and conscious connection to spirit was his perfection and his gift to humanity.

Message 66 is one of my favorite messages because it illustrates a deep and loving connection to his friends, family, and followers. Yeshua calls this story The Nature of a Man and describes himself in great detail, allowing us insight into his thoughts and actions. He wants our understanding, and he wants us to know his heart and soul. Here is an excerpt from The Nature of a Man, Message 66, page 164

I love children and babies.

I love nature and spend more time outside than inside.

I live simply and eat simply.

My life was and is rich and full of all that I need.

I trust that all I need will be provided me.

I believe the best medicine for the body and soul is love.

Each breath I honor as I breathe in and breathe out my love.

I help others with their medical and life issues. They are better at my touch.

I am a hard worker with great energy for accomplishing each individual task.

I do not believe in leaving a task undone.

I do not obsess on anything or worry or fear.

I have sadness, and I move through it with prayer and meditation.

I live for today and today only.

I do make plans, but the most important day is today, and I never forget that.

If i feel your need, I respond to it as I notice it, and I am always noticing.

I love the feel, texture, and smell of the earth (the soil).

I love nighttime when it is quiet and the stars are bright.

Yeshua’s connection shows in his words and actions which are all kind, and considerate. Through his connection he lived a full, happy life – even knowing his life would end at a young age in a brutal way.

Our connections show in our words and actions …

I am closing with a quote from Message 77 which is Yeshua’s message on how to connect to another person with tenderness.

“If I am approaching you with tenderness, I assess your feelings
and your body language before I say a word to you. I see you
with my eyes, my ears, my senses before I speak the first word.
When I do speak your name, I speak in the attitude that you
require at the moment. This is tenderness: offering that which
is needed at the moment of touch, the moment of the first word
spoken, the moment of connection. Connect with tenderness for
tenderness is your expression of love.”


  • What a wonderful website and articles you have written. I am glad I found you on Twitter! Wishing you abundant peace, love and happiness!

    • Thank you so very much Michelle. Glad we found each other!

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