A Healing Meditation by Connie Merk

Meditation is a wonderful way to get to know and love yourself. If you are already on a mindful life path, you’ve discovered the positive, whole-being effect of meditation. If not, perhaps Connie’s Healing Mediation will encourage you to begin your, awareness journey.

If you are you searching for various ways to relax and be more comfortable with your own mind, body, emotions, and spirit – meditation will help you. If you are experiencing physical or emotional pain that wears you out and wears you down – meditation will lift you up. Whatever your current state of being, you’ll enjoy this sensitive, beautiful meditation shared by my wise and wonderful friend Connie Merk.

Connie and I are writing a book together about mind-body awareness and the alleviation of both physical and emotional pain. Connie is a mindfulness movement specialist and body awareness educator and is the originator of a pain release modality called TRIVAnetics – The Cybernetic Approach To Healing Your Back Pain. It is a program that uses the innate healing power of both the body and the mind.

The mediation is written and spoken by Connie. She is accompanied on piano by her friend Kevin MacLeod, a brilliant musician.

Below is the link. You can listen or download for regular use.

Healing Meditation with Connie Merk

Download (31 MB) (right-click and select “Save Link As”)

Or listen here (length 33:02)