Awakening the Goddess Within – Interview

I’ve loved being the featured Goddess on Mary E. Prichard’s beautiful site Awakening the Goddess Within – Feminine Wisdom for Today’s Women, and I want to share the written interview with you. You’ll find Mary’s bio below along with her contact information.
Janet’s Goddess Interview:
What does being a Modern Day Goddess mean to you?
My ideal woman, and the woman I strive to be, is one who is both compassionate and emotionally free to be her authentic self, and doesn’t allow others to distract her from her journey.
At what age did you awaken to the presence of the Divine Feminine and would you describe it as a sudden awakening or a gentle unfolding?
I had my first spiritual experience before I could walk, but I have not always embraced my spirituality. The birth of my daughters, both now adults sent me head first into my spiritual journey. When I looked into their eyes and saw their souls, I knew my life could never be the same. I knew I wanted to grow into the woman I was intended to be and become my authentic self. My search continues to lead me into daily spiritual awakening experiences.
What roles in your life had to transform in order for you to live authentically?
I had to let many deeply embedded and incorrect perceptions go! Over responsibility used to be a real problem for me, and I am happy to report that I’ve met the challenge and let that habit go. My first career was that of a diagnostic prescriptive educator working with educationally and emotionally challenged adolescents and young adults. I loved doing my work, but I also wanted to go emotionally deeper with my students. I went back to school to become a mental health therapist and licensed professional counselor.
What have been some of the greatest inner gifts you’ve experienced since stepping into your feminine power?
I’ve found my inner silence! My spiritual guidance team helped me discover my innate value and lifted me up to become an empowered woman. Meditation helped me understand the limitlessness nature I share with all other human beings. I know it is necessary for me to recognize my gifts and claim them.
Can you share some of your favorite sacred feminine rituals?
I love waking up in the morning, walking down to the dock to watch the birth of a new day. Doing breath work or a standing chi gong barefoot in the grass with the trees, the water, and my little dog Cozmo as my companions connects me with nature and the Creator. Candles create a cozy feeling, so I usually light one in the morning and keep it glowing all day long.
Is there a particular Goddess that you are intimately drawn to and why?
My grandmother was a goddess. She graduated from high school at age 14, married at 14, had 3 children before she was 20. Somehow she managed to graduate from business college, survive an alcoholic father who died of his disease and an alcoholic husband who found recovery. While she never worked outside the home, she had amazing strength and courage. Currently, I love the humor of Pema Chodron and her work in the field of Mindfulness. She has certainly earned her Goddess crown!
Is there a personal message that you would like to share with women?
Love yourself. Do what makes you happy in life. Associate with people who encourage you and lift you up. And most of all, no matter what is challenging you at the moment … never give up!
Mary E. Pritchard, PhD, is the founder of, owner of EmBody Heart and Mind, LLC., as well as a Professor of Psychology at Boise University. Mary’s own awakening and embracing of her Inner Goddess led to the birth of the Awakening the Goddess Within online community as well as her upcoming book. Mary is passionately dedicated to empowering today’s women in reconnecting with their Inner Goddess, stepping through their perceived fears, and supporting them in the journey of self-discovery.
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