
Yeshua: 100 Meaningful Messages for Messengers is about to be published. It is due out in the next few weeks, with the release date not yet announced.
Yeshua asked that the book be spread by word of mouth, so there will be no formal book release. I’m depending on those of you who are touched by his 100 personal stories to share the book with your friends and family members who want to read his stories about his life, education, his reality, his likes and dislikes, and how he personally handled the knowledge of his last task.
Following are two short excerpts from the book: 1) A short explanation about how the book came into being, and 2) Message 92, a few paragraphs that explain the book title and each of our roles as a messenger to one person, our family, our nation, or our world.
Yeshua: 100 Meaningful Messages for Messengers
The world is changing very quickly, and our experiences are moving us forward in our growth as spiritual beings. The Creator of all is permeating us with wisdom and encouraging us to reach out, stand up, and share our experiences.
Channeling and writing down Yeshua: 100 Meaningful Messages for Messengers was a profound spiritual experience. It was an unexpected gift to open my eyes and see Yeshua staring into them. What a surprise to hear his voice ask me to write his story. It was a miraculous forty-five days of listening to him patiently speak one-hundred amazing stories about his life, his feelings, his ministry, and his beliefs. To complete the experience, he told me exactly how to design the front cover and a lot about how to share this book with you.
Yeshua allows you to experience him as a divinely guided spiritual being and teacher. He shares from his heart so that you know his inner nature and are aware that he was deeply challenged by the events of his life and the knowledge of his mission. Yet, through his example of maintaining a constant inner connection with the divine love of his father, the Creator, he became what he was meant to become.
Yehsua’s messages are personal and very kind and nurturing, and we glimpse his charisma and love of fun and laughter. His words are uplifting and inspirational, but most of all they are filled with a love so profound you can feel it as you read. You are invited to share his journey through the pages of Yeshua: 100 Meaning Messages for Messengers.
Humility is the essence
captured in these messages.
The absence of capitalization does not lend itself
to any irreverence of the supremacy and majesty
of who Yeshua is. He represented all humanity.
Message 92
Recorded 8.4.14
“Each person has a voice to be heard and a story to tell.”
What does it mean to be a messenger? By now you know my story and my message to humanity.
Each individual born into body is a messenger. Each person has a voice to be heard and a story to tell, whether that story be for a whole nation or for one person.
Your story is the make-up (the totality) of the days of your life and your reaction to being alive. It began the day you were conceived and it never ends. Your story takes you back into Spirit, into the spiritual realm, and the life you find there. Your story does not end there if you elect to return from spirit to body, or spirit asks this of you for a reason.
Few have lived to tell of the afterlife experience, but some have been to the spirit realm and returned. For those, their life has been forever changed, and they no longer fear their return to Spirit. Some are eager to return.
Some of you have made waking journeys into Spirit and returned. Some of you remember your journey and have allowed it to change your life. Others of you, who have made the journey, (and) have been forever an altered human being, yet do not know how your change, dramatic as it is, was made. It seemed to happen overnight.
A message does not need to be profound. Perhaps your message is through your daughter who grew into womanhood from a wheelchair, a well-adjusted, physically active, and well-educated professional woman. What is her message, and what is your message, and how did you support her into this level of success?
Your message may be the care you give to your newspaper man, the one who rides his bike in the snow, rain, boiling sunshine, as well as on beautiful moderate days. It may be the smile you give him, the gift of your respect, the memory of the holidays, and perhaps his birthday. You’ve made his life easier by the cold drinks you share with him in summer and the hot drinks you share with him when it snows. Yours is a sacred message.
Your message may seem to be insignificant to the world. To you and the person (with whom) you share the message (gift), it is life-giving and perhaps life-changing. You may never know you’ve given your gift or that a spiritual gift has been delivered (given) to you on more than one occasion.
It may be that you listened to the urgings of Spirit and you shared many hours at a homeless shelter, talking with the residents and helping them to survive an awful ordeal. Perhaps this is your message to many, not just one.
We all are important. Your life has purpose although you feel you have lost your purpose and have suffered too much and are of no use to anyone. You are of use. You were born. You live. You received your messages, and delivered to others. This makes my father your father and you his child and unique messenger of messages no one else on earth could possibly deliver. For your insight is unique, your heart unique, and the receiver unique to you and you only.