Reinvent Impossible Podcast: Janet G Nestor – Pathways To Wholeness

Original post on Beverly Glazer’s website, Reinvent Impossible, Empowerment Made Easy
It’s a crazy fast world in which we live. Do you sometimes wish you could turn everything off? Well, I do. And that’s why I practice meditation. And if you’re like me, and sometimes you just want to find that inner peace, keep listening. I’m Beverley Glazer and some people call me the reinvention expert because I help women through life’s transitions to create new possibilities built on their strengths.
My guest today is Janet G. Nester. And she does exactly that. Janet is an expert in mindful relaxation, and stress reduction. She’s a clinical mental health counselor, an energy healer, and she helps clients develop deep calmness within. Janet is also a best-selling author. And her book, Pathways To Wholeness, this is one of the top 25 All Time Amazon books on mindfulness. So, Janet, I’m so glad that you could join me here today. Thank you.
I’m really glad to be here. I am going to enjoy our time together.
Thank you, Janet, I am really, really interested in all the things you have to offer us. You worked in the North Carolina School of the Arts, that drew you to counseling. Why did that bring you there? Why counseling?
I was a counselor at that time and North Carolina School of the Arts did not have a counseling department for their students, or their faculty. So somehow, I got a referral. And from that point on, I had quite a few people come. It was a total joy. And I learned so much about creativity and artists. It remains a benefit in my practice today. I must say, almost all artists are empaths and intuitives.
Yes, and we’re going to be talking about that because you’re an empath and intuitive as well. And of course, as we mentioned a writer, but you also came from a very abusive alcoholic family. And that must have been extremely difficult for an empath – somebody that feels so much.
It was a very challenging time in my life. But from this point of view, I’ve felt like this for quite a while now. When I look back, I realize my struggle. And that pain really helped create the person I am today, so that I can do the things that I do today with some deeper insight. And maybe compassion than I would not have been otherwise. I remember especially as I got older. I really, truly didn’t think I lived to graduate from high school. All my life. It was, shall we say, a roller coaster of verbal, physical, and psychological abuse, which I’ve felt was the hardest of all the things I had to deal. My mind was always like a twisted hat. Did I hear that right? Did I do anything wrong? What would happen next? But there was also sexual abuse. To this day the past reappears. And, in our house doors were not allowed to be closed. The only door that was ever closed was the bathroom door. So that gives insight into a lot of things.
And yet, you not only survived but thrived somehow because you went on to get an education. And as you know from being a counselor, chances were not likely that you’d go into education with an environment like that. You would have rebelled. You would have lost part of your future or might not have survived. So how did how did you accomplish your life?
I don’t even know if there’s an answer. Obviously, I was the first person to go to college in my family and my mother’s family. I never knew my father. But I had a stepfather from the time I was about five years old. And that’s really when things begin to get rough. But he came from a whole different background. My mom’s family lived on a rural farm. And I appreciate that lifestyle today. But my father came from Pittsburgh. He and his family were educated. And when I was old enough, I thought about going to Scott college, and my father was the catalyst that made that happen. It was one of the gifts that he gave me.
That was long lasting because that’s just what you did. You went to college?
Yes, that’s true. So, I can thank my stepfather for that.
And you had a grandmother who also played a part in your life.
Yes, my grandparents played a tremendous roll in my life. They lived across the way on a farm.
My grandpa, lived with my grandparents when I was small. Just my grandparents and their youngest son who was 14 when I was born. He was really like a brother, but my great grandmother lived across the street. She was just across the dirt road, I should say. And she was a very religious person. But she also was a very sensitive, intuitive person. And I remember when I was a little girl, you know, she used to tell me all these stories about Bible experience. I can even remember them now. But she also let me know, it was okay for me to see those things too.
And I know, my great grandmother had no intention of supporting me in the way that she did. But honestly, it gave me permission to be who I was.
Okay, so it just opened doors and you just felt you could be who you were. And you even had dyslexia as a child. And as you know, that’s hard for a writer.
You’re telling me!! Ask my publisher!
And so that didn’t affect you one way or another. You just said I want to write, and you just kept on writing regardless.
That’s true. I remember when I was 8, 9- 10 years old writing these scripts and giving it to my mother. And my mom just really didn’t know what to say, or how to support me. And her message to me was, don’t give me any more of these!
And I remember in college when I had a lot of writing to do, and my professors were always encouraging me be more detailed do this and that. And I think that helped me a lot. And even in graduate school the constructive criticism would help me a lot. But I will tell you what helped me the most. I think it’s very important. I was in graduate school at James Madison University, and I was taking psychology, an educational psychology class, where every test was an essay. And the instructor encouraged us to just keep writing, which is what I did. So, there wasn’t time to go back to look at anything, reread anything correct any mistakes. When I got that test booklet back it had an A plus on it.
That shocked because the text was not written well. My thoughts went all over the place., But the professor had gone through that text, and changed my essays so they looked like a subway map. I mean it was covered in red marks. And she said, and I might cry when I say this, because it still touches me. “I read this. And I understand that you know what you’re talking about. So, I gave you an A.”
What a remarkable teacher!
And the message out there, is just encourage the child to grow. And since that, though, you have become a writer. You know, you’re a counselor, you help people, and you are also an energy healer and an empath. How has being an empath helped you in all of this?
Well, it helped me, because I’ve always been able to see two sides of every story. I’ve been able to feel what I feel. But I’ve been also able to understand why sometimes things were happening that were unpleasant. So that is part of it.
But I can’t remember how old I was, I was probably 11 or 12 years old. And I had hideous nightmares, you know, from everything that was always going on in my home. And I remember lying in bed one night after I awoke from a nightmare. My heart was beating at a million miles an hour. And I heard this voice very clearly. Say, “It’s okay”. That was the first time I heard the voice of Spirit.
And that was the beginning. And I will never forget from that time, I never felt alone. And I knew that there was someone there taking care of me that I could not see. And so that intuition that empathy, I don’t know it’s kind of hard to explain might have saved my life. But today I would have to say that spiritual voice comes through in everything I write.
And you’ve written how many books now?
Well, last time somebody asked me that I didn’t know but I have written eight books, plus, a couple of times that I’ve contributed to other books, and I think I’ve done five collaborative books too. So, it’s a lot of writing there. It’s a lot of writing.
And it’s even more remarkable considering the fact that you were dyslexic.
And I still went on.
Well, that’s motivational to anyone that really wants to write and to continue to write.
And you keep on writing, and you keep on having more and more books coming. There’s Pathways to Wholeness, and Yeshua are about to be reprinted. And you’re in the midst of writing Chamuel: I AM. Do you think that you’re ever going to stop writing, Janet?
I don’t think so. No, it’s just sort of part of who I am. And I kind of see it as a way to express myself, when I can’t necessarily always express in speaking. I can go way, way deeper when I’m writing than I can when I’m speaking. So, it’s a pleasure for me. And honestly, it’s probably part of my meditation experience.
Beautiful. And you also have a vision to turn I AM PEACE into a worldwide peace project.
That is so inspiring. What can you tell other older women who don’t have a passion, or they think that their life is passing them by they’re just too old?
I would say you’re never too old to do anything you want to do. I lead healing circles and in one session someone said,” Janet, you must read this book. It’s The Gift by Edith Edgar.’ And I thought, she was over 90 and became inspired to read something that moved her.
Yes. So, there’s no limit. If you have the energy to do it, and you have a spark in you there’s absolutely no limit. Ages is just a number. It doesn’t impact us in any way unless we allow it to. Yes, there are issues that develop when we’re getting older. But following your dreams and passion is motivation as well.
I love that. And so, what I’m hearing you say is you’re never, never, never going to stop.
No, I’m not. I’m still an active therapist, and I intend to do that too. Absolutely!