Food and Body Image Issues Course

Does this sound like you?

Are Food Issues Getting in the Way of Your Success and Happiness in Life?

Have you been dealing with food issues most of your life?

Do you starve and then binge? and then feel super guilty afterwards?

Do you have trouble eating around other people?

Are you consumed with the number on the scale?

Do you want to stop having food issues be the central focus of your life?

Do you wish you felt better with more inner peace and more energy?

Join Energy Psychologist and author of Pathways to Wholeness, Janet Gallagher Nestor, MA and Life Coach and Author Sheri Kaye Hoff, MA for a life-changing, transformational three-month course on food and body image issues.

In our Oasis of Wellness course you will:

  • Learn tools and techniques (including EFT, muscle testing, breathe work, meditation, journaling, and more) to take a mindful approach to your life and the food you eat.
  • Learn how to stop living in emotional pain.
  • Learn how to feel better.
  • Manage anxiety
  • Control emotional eating patterns
  • Become aware of body cues
  • Live a more successful and joy filled life without food clouding every decision
  • Consider this…What if you really could love your body? and your whole self?

What is included?

  • 9- 1.5 hour group coaching sessions that will take you right through the holidays (all calls are recorded in case you need to miss a call)
  • 3- additional one hour guest expert calls to enhance your course experience
  • A private forum to ask your questions and interact with other members of the group if you desire
  • Course Materials books: Pathways to Wholeness, Nurturing Wellness, Keys to Living Joyfully, Living Successfully and Joyfully Everyday, and Top Life Coaching Tips: Live Each Day with More Peace, Passion, Energy, and Joy
  • Experience these techniques: EFT, muscle testing, breathe work, meditation, positive thinking, visualization, journaling, life coaching, and more.
  • Unlimited email support from both Janet and Sheri

When does it start? Sept 20, 2011

How much does it cost? $997

But…for a limited time you can save $200 off this course. Sign up by Sept 1, 2011 and you will pay only $797.

This course is limited to only 15 people.

Sign up here to reserve your spot:

Plus be sure to download your free four part series teleclass with Sheri and Janet:

Enjoy this 4 Part Free Teleclass Series Mp3’s (you may need to right click the link and then choose Save As…

Click here to download Part 1

Click here to download Part 2

Click here to download Part 3

Click here to download Part 4

Listen to these recordings – if you haven’t already, to experience a taste of what is coming in the Oasis of Wellness Course. We trust that you will intuitively know in your heart whether you need our course right now. We invite you to join us if this is the right time for you. If you have been thinking… “I have got to do something about this”, perhaps someday is now…


Sheri Kaye Hoff

Janet G. Nestor

P.S. Remember that we are taking only 15 people in this course.