Woo hoo! Just off the press, the book cover for FINALLY: Awareness that Heals
I am excited. A two year project with co-author Connie Merk is coming to a close with the publication of our new book scheduled for November / December 2014. (Keep your fingers crossed for us so everything goes right and the book makes the proposed date).
I can feel it in my bones – our book is special. We met on line, and from our first conversation we clicked. Those first conversations where we got acquainted and planned the project were hours long. We are both mindfulness educators, both interested in holistic health, and have a mind-body healing practice. At the time Connie, a native of Germany, was living in the Bahamas (tuff gig) and searching for a co-author of a book she’d envisioned. From the start our relationship concerning this book has seemed to be providential, including the vision for the book cover.
I had no idea what the cover would look like or even the title of the book when I contacted a terrific graphic artist who just happens to be a deeply spiritual woman. Sophia read an “in progress” version of our book, came up with a better title than we’d assigned it, and from the inspiration she’d obtained in her reading, designed the cover. I loved it as soon as I opened the file! And I just learned yesterday when talking to Connie from Ireland (another tuff gig) that an intuitive had described the cover to her over a year ago: When she saw it the first time she laughed because it was so very similar to the cover outlined by her intuitive friend – right down to the vibrant purple.
We are on a mission to help ourselves and the rest of the world become more aware of the innate healing properties within our body and shift our perceptions from that of illness, disease, and treatment with medicines that can be toxic, surgery, and other invasive procedures to a perception of continuous health through the awareness of the miracle that is our body and lie within us.
PS: Share our excitement. Let us know if you like the cover!
Connie’s bio:
Connie is a brilliant woman with exceptional talents in mindful movement that facilitates the healing of back pain. She is the developer of TRIVAnetics – The Cybermetric Approach to Healing Your Back Pain. The Amazon Kindle book on the topic is called Heal Your Back Pain and focuses on her technique. Here is the link if you have, or know someone, with chronic back pain:
Connie shared a meditation she recorded in a previous MindfulPathways post. I’ve heard that many of you LOVED the recording. (I know I do) If you didn’t get in in February, here is the link so you can download now.