Essential Oils and Sleep

Welcome our guest blogger Dr. Indrani Maity, ND DAy.  Dr. Indrani Maity has been practicing a combination of Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Clinical nutrition for the last 10 years.  Ayurveda and Naturopathy encompasses the best of both the holistic worlds of the east and west.  Her unique approach to health and healing have helped many to discover the root cause of their life and health challenge, and to address it effectively.

I’d like to share some possible causes of insomnia, and suggested protocols using Young Living’s all natural products.

“A friend suggested that I try using the essential oil of valerian for sleep, so I decided to do a little research.  The National Institutes of Health has a website devoted to Valerian for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders.  I was just amazed how much clinical investigation there was on the properties of this essential oils.  What I read about valerian was that it was very highly regarded as an all-natural sedative.  What I learned about valerian from using it was that it is calming, relaxing, balancing, and a sleep aid.  Just an aside, Valerian Root is generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for injestion by the FDA.  I would make sure the oil you use is therapeutic grade. ”  (John Rosenberger, Moses Lake, Washington)

It is estimated that Americans spend $94 Billion dollars, every year, on our Sleep Disorders!

Lack of sleep builds up a “sleep debt,” which makes people feel tired during the day and may lead to a variety of health consequences. Sleep debt is the cumulative amount of lost sleep. For example, if the average daily amount of sleep you need is eight hours, sleeping six hours a night during the work week creates a sleep dept of 10 hours. If you sleep an extra two hours on Saturday and Sunday, you will still have a sleep debt of six hours. If you sleep only 6 hours a night for a year, you will have built up a sleep debt of 726 hours – a full month of missed sleep.  The prevalence of sleep debt in America is reaching epidemic proportions. More than half of the adult population in the United States is carrying a sleep debt:

  • 58% of adults experience symptoms of insomnia a few nights or more per week
  • 35% of adults report at least one symptom of insomnia every night or almost every night

Possible Root Causes of Insomnia:

  • Toxic Liver – Surprisingly, this is one of the highest known causes of Insomnia that occurs between 1-3 a.m. Liver Cleansing will help here!
  • Fear – Most common contributor to Nightmares and Restless Sleep.
  • Diet – Certain foods aggravate insomnia and eating past 5:00 p.m. disallows enough time and enzymatic activity to properly digest food.
  • Hormonal Imbalance –  Lack of Melatonin and other key hormones can trigger insomnia through hot flashes, depression, irregular heart rate, etc.
  • Stress –  Stress must be managed from the Limbic Region of the Brain.
  • ADD-ADHD – Children and Adults suffer from sleepless nights because of excess hyperactivity.
  • Pain – Annoying; Debilitating; Throbbing.  Pain is a top contributor to insomnia and restless sleep.
  • Weakened Immune System – Minute viruses and parasites can keep you awake!
  • Excitement/Anxiety – Too much of a good thing can be too much even for the seasoned “Sheep Counters!”

“I use Essential Oil of Cedarwood on my feet before I go to bed and sleep like a baby!  It stimulates the pineal gland which releases natural Melatonin.  I feel this is also good for the brain since Cedarwood is high in sesquiterpenes [brain food].  I have also used Alkalime and Lavender for sleep….love it.” –  (Jackie K., Hemphill, Texas)

Suggested Protocols for Sweet Dreams:

  • Toxic Liver:  Rejuvanate Kit (#3159); JuvaTone Caplets (#3214); JuvaCleanse Oil (#3395); GLF Blend (#3340)
  • Fear/Anxiety:  Valor (#3429); Joy (#3372); White Angelica (#3432); Present Time (#3396); Lavender (#3575); Dream Catcher (For Nightmares) #3330)
  • Diet:  Acid-binding foods (JuvaPower #3276); Alkalime (#3199); Lemon Oil in Purified Water (#3578)
  • Hormonal Imbalance:  Liver Cleanse (See Above); Mister Blend (#3381); Prenolone Cream (#3731); Endoflex Blend (#3333); Sclaressence Blend (#3418)
  • Stress:  Valor Blend (#3429); Rosewood Oil (#3629); Harmony blend (#3351); Super B Tabs (#3240); Cortistop 4 Women (#3275)
  • ADD/ADHD:  Peace & Calming (#3393); Lavender (#3575); Valor Blend (#3429);  Mineral Essence (#3222) Cedarwood (#3509)
  • Immune System:  ImmuPro Chewables with Melatonin (#3213); Sandalwood & Frankincense in Blends:  3 Wise Men (#3426); Brain Power (#3313);  Harmony blend (#3351);  Gathering (#3342)
  • Excitement/Anxiety:  Lavender (#3575); Roman Chamomile (#3512); Peace & Calming (#3393); Valerian (Strong) #3648

Sweet dreams!

Indrani Maity, ND, CNC, D.Ay
Licensed & Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor,
Ayurvedic & Functional Medicine Practitioner, Clinical Nutritional Consultant.
Board Certified in Integrated Health, Medical Intuitive & Energy Healer.

Integrated Ayurvedic Naturopathic Energy Medicine Center
1321 Washington Street, Suite 2
Hoboken, NJ 07030

Disclaimer Notice:
This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition.

One Comment

  • I will apprecated if you can please let me know the time of the organs funtions during night time, like you say the liver is 1 to 3 in the morning most of the time i wake up at 4 to 5am then what is the organ that i have to be working on? and how? please help me
    Thanking you in advance

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