Choose Happiness

Choosing HappinessTrue Happiness is an inside job and a conscious choice. I choose to be happy every day. I prefer to see the bright side, the lessons learned, and the hope for tomorrow. While I recognize life is often a very challenging journey, I choose to focus on the up side of the challenge. How about you?

Today, my friend Linda Joy released Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness featuring the soul-inspiring stories of 27 beautiful women who share their intimate stories of transformation.

Choosing Happiness includes Reflection Questions after each story which will empower you to integrate the vital lessons of each woman’s journey into your own life. For a limited time you can get over 40 transformational gifts with your copy of Choosing Happiness. Just click here:

Linda prepared some questions to stimulate our thoughts about our own happiness habits. I hope you’ll share your answers and comments in the comment section below I’ll share my answers with you now.

Q: Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you realized that your happiness was an internal choice that could be made despite your outside circumstances?

It took me a long time to realize that happiness was a conscious choice – that I could let go of the things I could not change and embrace the positives in my life. When my daughters were born I knew I wanted to be a happy positive person and a positive role model for them. So, I went to work to heal my wounds and become a woman they could believe in, trust, and love with all their hearts.

Q: How do you remind yourself that happiness is always within and catch your footing in those whirlwind moments of life that can throw us off balance?

Honestly, I don’t have to worry about this any longer. I stumble just like everyone else, however when I realize I am out of balance and going down a dark, negative road I immediately turn myself toward the light. And I’ve learned that the light of love and happiness lives within me, so I don’t have far to go. I admit that sometimes it is hard to find the happiness, but if it is I look until I find a ray of light.

Q: What is your personal definition of happiness today?

Happiness is something we can create every day. It is temporary and filled with fun and laughter. It is a movie date with good friends, a surprise visit from a loved one, the bluebird on the window sill. Joy is a spiritual concept and a heart energy that is constant and ever-flowing. We are literally wired for joy. The key is to learn to tap into it.

Q.Share three things that bring you happiness.

  1. My family
  2. My little 4 legged friend and Yorkshire Terrier, Cozmo
  3. Writing, searching, growing

I’ll be checking the comment box frequently today. I am eager to read your answers.

Be sure to check out Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness at to receive the bonus gift bundle worth thousands!


  • I love your post, Janet, and your support of this amazing book! The 3 things that bring me the most happiness – my husband, my kids, and the sound of my grand kids laughing 🙂

    • Grandkids laughing … wish I’d thought to write that as one of my choices. What a precious sound. Congrats Peggy. Book ordered and looking forward to reading your beautiful story.

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