A Peaceful Time of Year

Each day for the next five days I’m posting a message of peace taken from one of my books. Today’s post is from Yeshua: One Hundred Meaningful Messages for Messengers. As you may know, The Yeshua messages were spoken by the master himself while I acted as a scribe. The whole book was written in 45 profound days that changed my life. I now know that miracles do happen, and they can happen to anyone.

Tip: Meditation is most effective when you allow the quiet to come to you.  In the quiet inner spaces, the wisdom becomes conscious and usable.in your daily life.

Today’s Message

I taught all those I loved and who followed my teachings a form

of meditation as now I teach to you. I teach you to close your

eyes until you can see the eye of God or a center point that has life within it.

Once you can see the center point that looks like an

empty space within a circle that is silent. Eventually, you will see

that the place is alive and has movement within it.

Each experience, with the life within, is unique to you and is filled

with life messages as well as the wisdom of the universe. In this

place, you find your solace and your peacefulness. It never leaves

you unless you leave it behind. If you leave it behind and then

once again yearn for it, you must turn within to find it. It never

leaves you, but you can leave it.

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