The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

A few days ago I was honored by Krissy @ My Soulful Healing with a nomination for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  I very much want to pass on all the good feelings.

I understand that there are some rules to follow when one receives this nomination.  I am to pass the nomination along to 7 other inspirational bloggers and share seven things about myself.  So here goes…

  1. I love to communicate: phone, text, blogging, Skype, Facebook, Twitter … you name it!
  2. I have a husband, 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren;
  3. I enjoy my back yard bird feeders, and I love all the birds they attract;
  4. I am a sky watcher … I love clouds, sunrises and sunsets, the moon and the stars;
  5. The sound of flowing water inspires and soothes me;
  6. I am completing my 2nd book: Nurturing Wellness Through Radical Self-Care;
  7. My motto: There is no better gift than a smile and no sound better than the sound of laughter!

I nominate these seven for The Inspiring Blogger Award…

  1. Peace, Love and Glow
  2. Melanie Kissell
  3. Come to the Edge Today
  4. Crystal Lynn Miller
  5. The Warm Milk Journal
  6. Chantal Beaupre
  7. Life is Joyful


    • Hi Sheri.
      It is my honor to nominate your blog. I love your work … you are an inspiration to many people.
      Love and Smiles,

  • Hey Janet,
    Thank you for including me in your list. You are such an inspirational and kind person! I so appreciate you as my friend. I knew you would include laughter in your list…one of my favorite things to do with you. Laughter is such a great energy shifter and when you laugh, you could light up a room!


    • Hi Crystal,
      You are very welcome. I am happy to include you on the nomination list. I honor your work as a loving energy healer. The more love and laughter we generate, the more light and love there is in the world. The more light and love there is, the greater the likelihood we can all get along together regardless of cultural and religious differences. We all benefit from the love you share through your blog and your healing work.
      In Love and Harmony,

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