Working in the “Flow”

Guest post by Sheri Kaye Hoff
Working in the flow occurs when you are so focused and absorbed that time appears to both stand still and yet, moves forward without your conscious awareness.  Most of us have experienced working in the flow.  The task or project absorbs us, our work seems effortless (yet it probably involved several complex aspects and very concentrated thinking).  Your results when working in the flow are most likely higher than other efforts.  Sometimes when I am writing in the flow, I feel that my work writes itself. Instead of being tired, I am energized.  According to Daniel Goleman author of Emotional Intelligence,  musicians and artists often speak of working in the flow—where inspiration meets effort.  I encourage you to capitalize on these instances when you find yourself working in the “flow”.  Do not overanalyze it—appreciate it and use it. Though many report these flow occurrences as random, you can encourage this flow process by removing distractions and beginning a project or task with deeper concentration.  You are most likely to be in the flow if the project requires some difficulty, but is not too far of a reach or stretch. At the same time if something is too easy, it will be difficult to be in the flow.  The idea is too stretch yourself and your brain a bit.
Working in the flow is part of engaging in inspired action (the theme of my newest eBook, Living Successfully and Joyfully Every Day: 90 Days of Inspiration).
You can learn how conscious thinking, unconditional love, your system of beliefs, and your inspired action come together to living successfully and joyfully everyday in my new eBook..this eBook also comes with over $1000 in bonus gifts (I just added three new gift partners over the last week) to give you solid tools, tips and techniques on happily living the life you really want . My bonus gift partners are some of my best friends in the coaching world: Eva Gregory, Mary Allen, Michele Caron, Chantal Beaupre, Linda Hardenstein, Maria Erving, Crystal Miller, Michelle Shaeffer, Tomar Levine, Amber Delwey, Janet Nestor, and Stephanie Mojica.
Click here to find out more.
Sheri Kaye Hoff, Life Coach and Author  

Sheri Kaye Hoff, M.A, CGCL
Life Coach, Author, College Professor
Inspiring Succesful and Joyful Living Every Day