Nurturing Wellness

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH host of The Secret to Everything blog talk radio show and I successfully accomplished our first show together and may do a second after Nurturing Wellness through Radical Self-Care is published in a couple of months.  The show took on a life of its own almost from the moment it began.  Although we had an agenda, as soon as the first caller asked a question it was obvious the program would direct itself!   We ended up doing an intuitive show about healing.  If you missed our conversation on February 29th, I’d like to share it with you now.  Here is the link.

Healing is a primary emphasis in my new book Nurturing Wellness Through Radical Self-Care.  We all   want to reach our highest level of health and well-being.  To do so we have to change our negative thoughts to positive thoughts and begin to form positive concepts and beliefs that guide our life.  I know there are three key words that lead us to good health:  Love, Trust, Forgive.  Love yourself.  Trust yourself.  Forgive yourself almost as soon as you realize you’ve made a mistake.  Love, Trust and Forgive others.  This is easier when we live from a place of nonjudgmental compassion.  The fourth key word, coming from the same compassionate place, is Harmony.  Harmonize your life.  Live in harmony with yourself, with the Earth, and all living things.

Loving, Trusting, Forgiving, and living in Harmony keep us healthy, ceasing to live each day in the fight or flight response.  Instead, we live a life that flows easily, always returning to a state of peaceful relaxation.

Peaceful relaxation does not mean we are lazy and unmotivated.  In fact it is almost the opposite.  We are motivated because we trust and are free of fear.  We live a life that raises the frequencies of our world, so all of us are happier, wiser, more aware, and more loving.  You don’t have to be a religious leader to live like this.  Bankers, life coaches, computer programmers, NASCAR drivers, florists, dancers, counselors, actors, chefs, elite athletes, artists, house wives, doctors, secretaries, pilots, mechanics, farmers, herbalists, truck drivers, house husbands, chemists, janitors, construction workers, TV personalities, researchers, plumbers, house painters, yoga teachers, architects, entrepreneurs – everyone –  can live from a place of love and compassion … harmonizing with work, family, society, life, emotions and spirit.