Living in Balance

got balanceA new year is under way and like most of you all kinds of new things are happening in my life. Just like you, I have challenges and events to prepare for as 2015 progresses. Most of the new events are happy like the upcoming publication of a new book, Yeshua: 100 Meaningful Messages for Messengers. I have some personal and family challenges to work through, but I feel confident that with positive attitudes and honest communication they will have a satisfactory resolution. I also want to find soul comfort related to an unexpected family death; a nephew who was still born just a few days ago.

I don’t believe in resolutions as they disappear in a few weeks. However, I do believe in creating positive intentions for positive change and growth. My intention for 2015 is to live a life of love and balance, and to the best of my ability share my love with family, friends, work associates, my community, nature, and all creation. What are your intentions for 2015?

On most Sunday mornings at 9 am Eastern time I join #SpiritChat on Twitter. I am always inspired by the quality of comments and profound wisdom that is constantly shared via brief 140 character tweets. In our most recent chat I shared a line from one of my poems, and I was asked for the link. This post provides that link.

I hope the poem will inspire and give you some new things to think about. I also hope you’ll visit and join in the conversation beginning on Monday January 12th and continuing for 12 weeks. My motivation for this discussion is uncomplicated. I want to share thoughts and actions that have the potential to help at least one person every day.


Living in Balance

Balance is the key to a long and happy life.

If you are too happy or too excited, happiness becomes exhausting.

If you are too sad, your light dims, your world darkens.

If you love too much, you lose yourself.

If you love too little, you never find yourself.

If your day is too long and too full, you are overwhelmed and burnt out.

If you nights are filled with fear and worry, you are unable to sleep.

If you work is too much, you are overwhelmed and exhausted.

If you work too little, you become a victim to yourself.

If you are hungry and the pantry is bare, all you can think about is food and your hunger.

If your table is laden with food, your hunger is satisfied; your mind is full of other things.

If you are eager for knowledge, there are not enough books to quench your desire.

If you are content with your knowledge, you can’t find a book worth reading.

If your life is unorganized and without priority, balance is lost.

If your life has purpose and order, balance presents itself without effort.

When life is chaotic, balance and harmony are impossible.

When balance is in your life, harmony is always within reach.

In balance, you are love.

In love, you are balanced.