Let’s Create a Mindful World

Mindful living, developing a now focused conscious awareness, is part of the shift that is taking place in our world today. We are all being asked to live in harmony with one another instead of hating, judging, criticizing, killing, making war. Our survival as a nation and as a world depends on our ability to love one another and love and care for our Earth home. I’d like to share this poem by Jay Ramsay, first posted on the World Shift movement website: http://www.worldshiftmovement.org/


Shift One Thing
stop the whirling.
Take a moment to take back
what is taking you in hand.
So much in our minds.
So much that is wrong.

Light is just beyond
inviting…but not forcing…ever.
Light speaks without words, saying
take a moment to take back
what is taking you in hand.
See it again.

Is it true ?
Do you know it is ?
What can you choose ?
Light says love
puts a spark in your heart
that’s traveled from the furthest star.

We are One, my friend.
What I do to you, I do to me.
So I can choose again.
What we do echoes through the galaxies
and the veins of the world which hold us
in one heartstream.

Choose again.
I will not be ruled by fear
I will not be conned by hate
I will look into your face
and see you are another me

all the world over.
We know what is really real.

And we listen, we listen
The light, our hearts, the planet, calling.
Storm cry and dolphin cry
come home to Creation: come home again.

One World, there is no other

no anesthetized Paradise.
This world goes on and on.
One love beyond the sun.
And here is where it is…shining.

I stand in the light
And I choose one thing
One step at a time.

I choose in freedom.

I pick up the litter.
I write you the letter.
I buy you the ring.

~ Jay Ramsay