Healing Power of Pets Summit

Your giveaway gift for attending the Healing Power of Pets Summit with Sue London & Friends is:


Janet Nestor’s Finding Nature’s Magic, ebook

Dear Readers,

Finding Nature’s Magic is dedicated to Mother Earth. I am passionate about preserving all life forms on our green planet. I want our children, grandchildren, and their grandchildren to know what it feels like to walk through an old-growth forest, play in the ocean, and watch the bees pollinate our flower and vegetable gardens.The true stories inside this book are entertaining, yet they will stimulate your imagination and awaken you to the magic of the world around you. I hope the anecdotes stir memories of your nature adventures and special experiences. If you have young children or grandchildren, share these stories with them. Stimulate their senses and encourage them to “see” with their intuition and their hearts — not just their eyes. I challenge you to Find Nature’s Magic!


[dt_button link=”https://mindfulpathways.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Finding-Magic-in-Nature_Giveaway.pdf” target_blank=”false” button_alignment=”default” animation=”fadeIn” size=”medium” style=”outline” bg_color_style=”custom” bg_color=”#461190″ bg_hover_color_style=”custom” bg_hover_color=”#333333″ text_color_style=”custom” text_color=”#461190″ text_hover_color_style=”custom” text_hover_color=”#333333″ icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]Download the book[/dt_button]

For your donation of $75.00 USD, you will receive 2 unique gifts:


Healing Circle for Grieving Pet Owners

Janet Nestor, self-help author and licensed clinical mental health counselor, has been hosting healing circles for over a year and KNOWS just how effective they are for all participants. This healing circle is limited to eight people and is held over 3 sessions. The small size allows each person to receive what they need.

  1. You will learn techniques to help you live in balance during times of stress
  2. Learn an easy to do relaxation and healing technique
  3. Receive healing energy during each circle

The Healing Circle dates and time will be determined by the group members. Each session is 1.5 hours.

Sacred Soul Geometry of Your Deceased Pet

Sacred Soul Geometry captures the energetic essence of yourself, a loved one, or your pet. You receive a 4 x 6 drawing that you hold between the palms of your hands. As you hold the drawing, your sensory system picks up and recognizes the soul energy of the person or animal.

You will receive your drawing via mail.
All proceeds go to the pet summit and benefit Lions Foundation for Canada Dog Guides.


[dt_button link=”https://mindfulpathways.com/product/healing-power-pet-bundle/” target_blank=”false” button_alignment=”default” animation=”fadeIn” size=”medium” style=”outline” bg_color_style=”custom” bg_color=”#461190″ bg_hover_color_style=”custom” bg_hover_color=”#333333″ text_color_style=”custom” text_color=”#461190″ text_hover_color_style=”custom” text_hover_color=”#333333″ icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]Purchase Your Gift Today[/dt_button]