Fulfilling the Dream

I write because I must. My work bubbles up inside and cries to be set free. Writing sometimes serves as quiet meditative creative time. It also is a way of reaching far more people than I can reach any other way. I love all aspects of my work, and consider myself to be very fortunate.
In 2008 when I was writing Pathways to Wholeness, I began receiving spiritual messages that guided my writing and contributed to the content. I’ve realized that writing and teaching are part of the reason why I am alive at this time in history. Part of my job is to spread love and positivity as far and wide as possible.
Beginning in 2014 with the spiritual events that led to receiving the messages that became the book Yeshua: One Hundred Meaningful Messages for Messengers, I’ve felt spiritually “pushed” to openly share what I’ve learned. At night, I literally have dreams of finding ways of raising human awareness so that the life of all animals (wild, farm, research, and domestic) can live healthy, enjoyable lives. I feel the obligation to write about protecting Mother Earth, easing suffering. The spiritual goal is to help humanity grow in awareness so that the collective consciousness demands that we love and care for Mother Earth and the various forms of life that she supports.
February18th, I learned I was listed on Richtopia’s Top 200 Influential Authors in the World (#147) publication. Being listed with such talented authors, activists, journalists, and Nobel Prize winners is like balm for my author’s soul. It is so nice to be in such positive company. Richtopia was founded and is managed by CEO Derin Cag and is a marketing and branding firm that measures and lists influential people in many fields of endeavor, including authors.
Currently I’m part of two collaborative books, 365 Life Shifts released February 21, and Midlife Transformation to be released March 14th. I hope that you’ll check them out. Sometime this year, I hope to release a book co-written with Cornelia Merk; How We Heal Ourselves. Watch for notification.
As a celebration of personal and social change through writing and the honor of being listed on Richtopia’s Top 200 Influential Authors in the World publication, I want to give you a copy of my e-book Embracing Your Joy. Click here for instant download. If you want to follow my blog, click here.
Happy Reading,