A List of Virtues

Virtues are positive aspects of self (definitions of love).  All of the virtues can be used in the affirmations that accompany Mindful Breathing and Walking Meditation.  For example: “Listening” on the in-breath, “Understanding” on the out-breath or extended to “I am listening” on the in-breath and “I understand” on the out-breath.  There are many virtues that are not listed here. Create a list of your own.

Page 93 Pathways to Wholeness

Acceptance        Accountability         Adaptability         Alertness

Balance              Beauty                    Belief                  Centeredness

Choice               Clarity                     Comfort              Communication

Compassion     Compromise          Consciousness  Consistency

Contentment     Courteousness      Creativity            Dependability

Devotion           Diversity                 Earnestness       Education

Empathy           Excitement             Expressiveness  Exuberance

Faith                 Faithfulness           Fitness                Flow

Focus               Forgiveness           Friendliness        Friendship

Generosity       Gentleness             Goodness           Gratitude

Harmony          Healing                   Health                  Honesty

Honor               Hopefulness           Humility                Humor

Insight              Joy                          Kindness              Laughter

Listening          Love                         Loyalty                 Mercy

Naturalness     Noticing                    Nurturing             Obedience

Openness       Opportunity              Passion               Patience

Peacefulness  Perceptiveness       Poise                   Positiveness

Power              Prayerfulness         Presence             Purity

Radiance         Reconciliation         Reflection            Relaxation

Rest                 Responsiveness     Reverence           Rootedness

Safety              Satisfaction              Silence                Simplicity

Sincerity          Smile                        Softness              Stillness

Strength          Supportiveness        Sureness             Tactfulness

Teaching        Tenacity                    Tenderness         Thoughtfulness

Truthfulness    Understanding          Unification           Vibrancy

Vigor                Vigilance                   Vision                  Vitality

Wakefulness   Warmth                    Wholeness         Wisdom