Women Empowered

There are e-magazines and E-Magazines. WE or Women Empowered is one of the best I’ve found. The publisher Rosemary Evangelista focuses on personal growth and spiritual development and if you know me, you know that I do too. Personal growth and spiritual development seem to join hands to produce empowered living.

Nurturing Wellness through Radical Self-Care: A Living in Balance Guided and Workbook is all about empowered Living and your development of the personal skills you need to live your best life. My book is spotlighted in Rosemary’s magazine this month and I think you’ll find some of your questions about this program’s positive effect on your life are answered in the Q & A interview. Take a look on pages 48 & 49. I think you’ll like what you see.

Nurture yourself today. Embrace Radical Self-Care!

Click this link to get a look at this month’s issue. http://we-magazine.com/Vol3Sept2013_/