Water Healing Circle

Water Healing Circle

Melchizedek’s 12 by the Power of 12 Light Codes for Healing the Waters of the Earth

You are invited to join two beautiful ceremonies to honor and heal the waters of Planet Earth.


Monday, September 7 at 7:00 PM EST, FREE EVENT
Friday, September 13 at 10:00 AM EST, FREE EVENT


The historic Priest and King Melchizedek made himself known to me during a conversation with Linda Simms. A couple of days later, he made himself known again while I talked with Judith Moore. Linda is a spiritual channel and a wonderful friend who lives in North Yorkshire in the U.K. She is part of a small group of light workers and special friends who come together most Wednesdays to make our planet a more peaceful place.

Judith Moore has dedicated her life to helping seekers awaken spiritually. She has gathered divine wisdom and shares it through her books and her work. She held space for me so Melchizedek’s light codes could come into being, raise the frequency of Earth, and bring peace through the healing of water. Judith reminded me that 12 was a very important spiritual number. Twelve to the 12th power equals 144,000. At this level of energetic frequency, energy can replicate itself and continue to do so.

We are coming together for this healing circle to help water restore itself to wholeness.

In spiritual texts like the Bible and in other religions, the number 12 symbolizes God’s power and authority:

  • Jacob’s 12 sons who led the 12 tribes of Israel
  • The 12 Disciples of Jesus
  • The 12 minor prophets of the Bible: Amos, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Malachi, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zechariah, and Zephaniah
  • The 12,000 people in each of the 12 tribes of Israel equals 144,000 people. 144,000 represents wholeness.
  • Christ’s crown had 12 stars.
  • There were 12 gates of the New Jerusalem.

Twelve is a symbol of perfection, completion, and wholeness.

Water and Melchizedek

Water is in our body, in the body of every living thing including trees and mountains. It flows through the body of Earth in underground rivers and springs. There may also be larger bodies of water within the Earth.

Water holds the consciousness of Earth just as the water in our bodies holds our memories, our emotions, and an awareness of something greater than ourselves. Melchizedek made it clear that the world cannot be at peace until enough of us are at peace, and ultimately until the water on this planet is at peace (in its wholeness again).

Many researchers and scientists are now studying water, and the results are amazing. The research began with Emoto’s study that taught us that water responds to our emotions, words, and thoughts. At this point, we have to say that water is conscious and holds the wisdom of the universe. Just imagine how different life would be if all water was flowing and alive, sharing love and peace with us every time we take a sip and swallow it!

Priest Melchizedek is serious about healing all water on this planet. He has asked me, and I am sure many others, to help raise the frequency of this planet so Earth and all of her inhabitants can be at peace. He clearly states that the world cannot achieve peace until water is at peace (whole).

Until a few weeks ago, I knew nothing about Melchizedek other than he was a spiritual being of great stature. Now I know that he was the king of Salem in the Old Testament. His name means King of Righteousness. He appears in the Bible in Genesis 14, Psalms 110, and in the book of Hebrews, chapters 5, 6, and 7. I’ve read it all now.

When we say Jesus the Christ or Christ Jesus – Christ is a high spiritual title that he earned. Melchizedek is most likely an earned title, according to my research. So, when we say Lord Melchizedek, we mean my king is righteousness, or a priest of the highest order, or priest of the high God.

There is an Order of Melchizedek. This is not a group you join or are invited to join. It refers to a succession of priests of the highest order who will exist, one at a time, throughout eternity. His job right now is to help us raise our frequencies to a level so that Earth can ascend and become a planet of peace and love instead of the chaos and violence we now have. Just as we have Christ Consciousness, meaning love, unity, and connection with spiritual wisdom through the creator of all things, we also have Melchizedek Consciousness. Melchizedek Consciousness means moving to the next level of consciousness or bringing in a new level of consciousness consisting of love, peace, and wholeness for water, Earth, and all her inhabitants.

We will be working with Christ Consciousness and Melchizedek Consciousness as we do our best to bring peace and wholeness to the water on this planet so all inhabitants of Earth can be at peace as one.

The light codes that we will use are also called sacred geometry. In reality, everything is sacred geometry. Everything has a formula for life. A tree has a formula. A human has a unique formula. Water has another formula.

What is a merkabah and what does it have to do with creating peace on this planet?

A merkabah is sacred geometry. It is a symbol of spiritual awakening or spiritual enlightenment. The pyramid pointing toward earth is feminine. The pyramid pointing upwards represents the masculine.

This photo pictures a person sitting and centered inside a merkabah while meditating. The head is at the apex of the equilateral triangle, the body is within the midsection, with the feet at the bottom facing toward Earth. It makes sense that Melchizedek would combine the energies of the merkabah with the energies of the light codes to bring peace to water and peace to the planet. Peace lies within us. It is our job to bring peace into our conscious being. The merkabah meditation is a tool to help us raise our frequency.

Merkabah Meditation with Drunvalo Melchizedek

If you have time, listen to it at least once before the healing circle. During our Water Healing Circle, we will use the 12 light codes that were given to the people of Earth. In our water healing circle, we are merging male and female energies to create wholeness in all forms of life.

Together, we will take a step toward lifting our planet and ourselves to this next level of consciousness.

Additional Water Songs