Therapeutic Recovery Friendship Group

“Healing Post Traumatic Church Syndrome or Church Hurt”

Religion is supposed to be gentle, comforting, and uplifting. Sometimes, it is not. Sometimes, it feels demeaning and produces guilt, shame, self-doubt, and fear. 

Over the years, Janet has worked with many people who felt anxious, depressed, and angry about their childhood religion or a religion they converted to before marriage. Many left the church behind as soon as they could. Some no longer attend church or belong to a congregation. Others define themselves as atheists or agnostics. Some chose a spiritual journey. Most just want to find peace, let go of the past, and find a path of love and forgiveness that brings them a sense of well-being.

If you resonate with the content of the first two paragraphs, this group is for you. Here is what you need to know.

  • The group requires an attendance commitment.
  • The cost is $50 for eight weeks with an option to continue.
  • If you are meeting Janet for the first time, you must schedule a free appointment to get acquainted.
  • A mutually convenient day and time will be determined after the group assembles.
A Way Forward: Survivors of Religious Injury and Trauma
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