Passionate About …

It is time for a new blog post and I’m wondering about a topic. Then my mind is filled with a thought. I hear “Remember what you’ve been taught.” “Write about your passions.” I am a Virgo, so heaven knows I have strong feelings about many things. I’ve made a list of some of my passions. So, here goes.
1) Happiness and Laughter: What is life without happiness and laughter? I think of my early years and the sadness and the struggles of my emotional recovery from a rocky childhood and my ardent efforts to save the world one student at a time through my work as a Diagnostic Prescriptive Educator. I wanted to be happy, and I wanted to feel wanted and worthy. I wanted the same for my students, but I didn’t quite know how to make that happen. I was still in the infancy of my spiritual journey.
Now I know how to make it happen. Happiness and Laughter begin on the inside. They have to bubble up out of my (your) heart and soul. How have I made that happen for myself? I keep my thoughts positive. I stay close to my spiritual family of guides, teachers, and angels. I take responsibility for my life, turn myself over to my spiritual family, become silent, and listen as closely as possible so I can stay on track and continue to learn and grow.
2) 4 legged furry friends: I’ve never met an animal that failed to warm my heart. I love their ability to live in the moment, to let go of fear and negativity, and live close to nature and the Creator of all life. They know what is real, what is essential, and they don’t get lost in “things” that are not vital to life. And, unlike me and millions of other human beings, they don’t complain about the weather. They take what they get and do they best they can with what they have.
3) Babies: God made babies not only to keep the various species alive, but to soften our hearts and help us learn to give and receive unconditional love. God also caused babies to cry in the middle of the night to teach us patience, compassion, and responsibility. Then as our infant grows, our little one gives us a glimpse of our life through his or her eyes so we are motivated to become better human beings.
4) Grandkids, Being Nana, and enjoying my husband in his role as Bapa: There is no greater pleasure than watching your daughter give birth and holding her brand new baby in your arms. And when that is not possible, to gently hold your new grandbaby as soon as you can, love it, hold it to your heart, and promise to love him or her with your whole heart for the rest of your life. Grandparents are for love and beautiful relationship.
5) Protecting Mother Earth: I learned to love and respect the Earth and the changing seasons as a child growing up on a farm. I know the importance of rain, water flowing freely in the creeks and rivers, good rich soil, and a beautiful crop of fresh healthy vegetables and fruits each year. It seems impossible NOT to know that a healthy earth is essential to all life on this planet. Without what she produces, life is not possible.
6) Loving and Being Loved: It all comes down to love doesn’t it? Love creates family. Love creates community. Love preserves the planet. Love cares for the dying honey bees that pollinate our trees, vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Love rescues our homeless furry friends and provides food and shelter for all humans who struggle to exist without the essentials of life.
Love creates a heart wise enough to know and understand what is essential and what is not.
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I love this post! Thank you for sharing your Happiness Secrets.
Hi Nadia. so happy you stopped by and loved the post! That means so much to me.
Thanks for sharing your joy. I particularly enjoyed your thoughts about love! <3
I really appreciate your comment! I am in love with love and joy!
Janet I enjoyed your post, thanks for the reminder that what really matters is love.
so important to stay in touch with our passions! thanks for sharing yours!
Hi Teri,
It was an enjoyable post to write. All positive!
Janet… Thanks for sharing your happiness list… Brought a smile to my heart
Hi Linda. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your comment.
Smiling Back!
Thanks for this inspiring post, Janet. Animals and protecting Mother Earth are also close to my heart.
Hi Marianne, Animals and Nature are surely a passion for me. Thanks for letting me know they are also a passion for you!