Listen In


‘Tis the season to be happy and jolly – yet many of us find ourselves over worked and stressed Beginning now, prevent holiday pressures and worries. Find some quiet time and inner peacefulness by embracing Radial Self-Care, a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual approach to loving yourself into health and happiness.

There is no better time of year to introduce “Listen In” on  I hope you’ll enjoy my interview with Lana Reid from her November 13th Radio Show Don’t Box Me In. We chat about staying in the present moment, living mindfully, and finding ways to stay relaxed and happy.  You can find all the interview information and more in Nurturing Wellness through Radial Self-Care: A Living in Balance Guide and Workbook. It is available in paperback or Kindle and Nook format.

Nurturing Wellness through Radial Self-Care: A Living in Balance Guide and Workbook

Barnes & Noble
You’ll also find other interviews and talks hosted by Sue London, Sheri Kaye Hoff, Cyrus Webb, Gary Loper, Pamela Cummins, Jean Adrienne, Vanessa Halloum, and Robert Sharpe. Even thought titles are similar, each talk is unique.

Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season!