Free Teleclass

REB Nurturing Wellness Through Radical Self-Care
Relax, Unwind, Rejuvenate
5 week class beginning February 15, 2001
Meets Tuesday afternoons at 7pm EST
(All Classes will be recorded and emailed for those who can’t make the live call.) 

Register below

It is time to unveil the new REB Nurturing Wellness Through Radical Self-Care Guidebook.  I would love to have you participate in the new Teleclass beginning Tuesday February 15, 2011.
Who Benefits?
  • Individuals with stress and anxiety
  • Those interested in personal growth
  • Worriers and over-thinkers
  • Those needing to build their immune system and well-being
  • Individuals with specific life issues related to body image and disordered eating
  • Anyone who wants a great way to unwind and relax
During the class we’ll combine some of the strongest principles of Energy Psychology:
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Use of the Radiant Circuit Meridian System
  • Deep relaxation via quieting the autonomic nervous system and installing positive thought.
REB or Radiant Energies Balance allows you to release deep and sometimes unconscious negative beliefs, thoughts, emotions, resentments and other troubling feelings and emotions.  Paired with positive affirmations, this process becomes a gentle and effective tool that ultimately keeps you out of fight or flight, cues you into your relaxation response and allows you to make positive change that increases your quality of life.
The Class is a self-care program that includes mindfulness, meditation, structure, independent gentle and relaxing movement, and use of REB Affirmations.  The affirmation categories include:
Readiness (building self-worth)
Positive Core Beliefs and General Well-Being
Body Image and Body Awareness
Relationship with Food
Worry/Anxiety/Obsessive-Compulsive Thought/
Addictive Behavior
Building My Immune System
Email contact with Janet during the 5 week class:
Register Now!