Diagnostic Prescriptive Education

The teacher is usually trained to administer a wide range of achievement and process skill diagnostic tools and is the link between the classroom teacher and the school’s educational psychologist.  The teacher often has a large roll in planning educational programing for the student needing services. This teacher most often has a graduate level teaching certificate and many states require previous teaching experience to be certificated or licensed.


Diagnostic-prescriptive teaching – American Education (Published 5-15-2011)

A teaching strategy designed to meet the individual needs of students with learning or behavioral problems. The diagnostic segment of the program begins with psychological and academic achievement tests and a complete review of the student’s case history. Depending on the evaluation that follows, the prescriptive segment may draw on a wide variety of teaching resources and professional and nonprofessional services. At the classroom level, simple physical rearrangement of the classroom to promote more intimate student-teacher interaction, for example, often spurs some children to perform more effectively. Others may require behavior modification, mastery teaching (see MASTERY LEARNING) or other specialized teaching methods.

In almost all diagnostic-prescriptive teaching, the teacher depends on a large team of cooperative professionals and nonprofessionals to work with each individual, including other school staffers, the school or a non-school psychologist, remedial and resource teachers, and parents.

Reference: http://american-education.org/647-diagnostic-prescriptive-teaching.html