A Peaceful Society

Go Vote this Election!

I’m writing a book that focuses on the development of mind-body peace and the creation of peaceful relationships and environments. As I was working on the book, I realized that I have to speak my truth about the upcoming election.  I know some of you won’t agree with me, but please take the time to read what I have to say. Thank you.

I spent this morning writing about the creation of mind-body peace. Peace does not begin with the signing of a treaty. Lasting peace happens in our minds first and gradually becomes a way of life. When a majority of citizens have developed peaceful minds, we become a peaceful society. 

While writing, it became clear that I have a responsibility to speak my truth. Each of us has that same responsibility when our heart encourages us to speak up. Words are powerful, and they can positively impact society.

The 2024 election is different from any previous election. This time we are voting for equality, integrity, trust, ethics, and morality. This time we are voting to protect our freedom and our democracy.

It is impossible to have peace within ourselves and within our homes if our government is led by a person who is a convicted felon and sex offender. As a mental health therapist, I recognize dysfunction and mental instability. I realize that it can take generations to repair the chaos and pain that dysfunction creates. A convicted felon and sex offender is a chaotic, dysfunctional leader who is unfit to serve the people of the United States.

If we elect a felon and sexual offender, we teach our children it is OK to lie, OK to bully other children, OK to make fun of people who suffer from handicapping conditions, OK to belittle women, girls, immigrants, and people with different religious beliefs. If we elect a sexual offender, we tell our sons that it is OK to rape or molest their girlfriends and wives. We teach everyone it is OK to live without morals, ethics, and a sense of responsibility to self and others.

Electing a felon and sex offender will make it harder for school personnel to discipline students who bully, fight, tell lies, and create chaos in the classroom. What power will a principal or a school counselor have if the president of the United States is dishonest and trying to destroy trust in our institutions? 

Dysfunctional behavior from any leader makes it easier for troubled children and adults to behave in ways that are destructive and dangerous. We are voting to create and maintain safety within our communities and schoolrooms. 

School systems never hire sex offenders or felons. A felon cannot become a police officer. A felon cannot serve in the military. In many states, a felon cannot become a licensed mental health professional. Most states make it difficult or impossible for a felon to become licensed in any profession. Knowing this, it seems obvious that a felon should not serve as President of the United States.

Without laws and without obeying them, we become a disorganized, destructive, violent society. I choose to live peacefully without fear. I choose to live in a society that honors honesty. I choose to live in a society that has the ability to coexist in peace and unity with a common purpose.

The preamble of the Constitution of the United States 
“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”