Your Free Gift–Harmony: An Original Mind-Body Energetic Exercise

A gift to Humanity through Janet Gallagher Nestor, MA  LPC  DCEP
An Healing technique from Nurturing Wellness Through Radical Self-Care:  A Living in Balance Guide and Workbook

Janet Gallagher Nestor, MA  Licensed Professional Counselor, Diplomat in Energy Psychology

Includes a free 60 minutes Energy Psychology Session

  • Personal guidance in using Harmony Mind-Body Energetic Exercise
  • Energetic Balancing providing over-all well-being and Relaxation
  • Special tips to help you to a clearer, more aware and focused life

For your 60-minute no cost appointment, fill out the form below:

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Living in Balance: Harmony Mind–Body Energetic Exercise

The following energetic exercise is a perfect complement to the Nurturing Wellness meditations. It can easily be used as an alternative to Mindful Meditation and is in itself an exercise in mind-body energetic awareness. It has no other purpose than to soothe, pamper, and nurture you. Like meditation, Harmony helps reduce your level of stress to create a feeling of peacefulness within your body.

Harmony is a bio-energetic healing exercise. It balances and harmonizes your brain and nervous system with the functional energies of your chakra system, enhancing communication. The seven body chakras and the eighth chakra, located one hand’s length over your crown, form your second most powerful energy system (your energetic bio-field, the energy that surrounds you, being the most powerful). The chakras vibrate with the tones of the musical scale, the eighth chakra vibrating at high-C and the root chakra vibrating at low-C. In this case, high-C ends one eight-note scale and begins another, thus connecting itself harmonically with the chakras above our crown and maintaining a continuous flow of Creation energy into our body.

This exercise incorporates the two neurovascular stress points on your forehead (Bladder, Gall Bladder, and Triple Warmer meridians; Governing Vessel; and the brow chakra are located in the area where your hand rests), the two at our occipital lobe (Bladder and Gall Bladder meridians, and Governing Vessel), and because of location, includes our brain stem. This is a powerful energetic hold. Each of our seven body chakras and the eighth chakra over our crown are part of the exercise. You first address your neurovascular points by placing your hands over both the front and back points in a hold called The Occipital Hold. Then with your left hand over the neurovascular stress points at the back of your head, you begin to use your right hand to balance each individual chakra.

The Occipital Hold, an energetic hold taught by many energy healing systems, simultaneously stimulates relaxation and emotional release by creating positive physical change. Here is what happens when the neurovascular points are held. The neurovascular points on your forehead help restore normal blood flow (vascular flow) by reversing the fight-or-flight extra blood flow sent to your limbs. The neurovascular points at the occipital ridge help release your fears. Because your left or right hand is always at your brain stem, incorporating the neurovascular points, you positively encourage your ANS to return to the rest–digest response. Along the brain stem you also engage the Reticular Formation, a neural network within the Medulla that helps regulate sleep and attention. The Medulla also regulates your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, while the Pons, among other things, supports healthy sleep, breathing, swallowing, bladder control, and equilibrium. The Midbrain influences voluntary motor functioning. (Clinical Autonomic Disorders, Phillip A. Low and Eduardo E. Benarroch, 2008. Energy Medicine, Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhD, 2008.)  (image source)

The chakras are arranged vertically along your mid-line, front, and back body. The chakras correlate with the Central Vessel along your front mid-line and the Governing Vessel that flows along the spinal column. Your spinal chord’s network of nerves reaches out from the spinal column like limbs on a tree, feeding every aspect of your body, including your organs. Each chakra feeds a specific area of your body, supplying essential life-giving energy. So, for example, if your third chakra is malfunctioning, the organs and glands of that chakra (Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder–Spleen, and Pancreas) are either provided an overabundance of energy or are suffering from an insufficiency. When we balance our third chakra, it begins to spin in the right direction at the right speed, properly providing the body’s
energetic needs.  (Chart source)

I work with my body energetically every day, usually in a meditative way. One morning I was resting in bed working with the Reiki Harmony position (The Occipital Hold) to bring balance to my body because of a digestive upset and a viral cold. I asked my body to respond in a robust way. I wanted to enhance my sense of overall well-being and remain fully present, positive, and healthy. I listened to my body, followed my inner guidance, and the following energetic balance is the result. So: Let go, relax, let your muscles soften and your energy flow. This is a whole-body approach that will help you re-establish health and emotional well-being.

Directions for Harmony Mind–Body Energetic Exercise

The harmonizing function is done twice, once with your left hand over the occipital neurovascular points at the brain stem and your right hand working with each of the chakras, and once with your right hand on the same occipital neurovascular points at your brain stem and your left hand working with the chakras.

  • Recline in bed or on a couch. If you are using a pillow, it should be a thin pillow that allows good energy flow up and down your spinal column. Throughout the exercise, breathe from your belly: take nice, slow, deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling through your nose. The total exercise can be completed in 5 to 15 minutes, or you can enjoy the work as long as you like.
  • Use the front-body chakra points as pictured in the chakra illustration.
  • Breathe at least 3 balancing breaths at each of the seven chakras and at the eighth chakra located one hand’s length above your crown. Chakras mimic an eight-note octave, with low-C and high-C being both the end of one scale and the beginning of the next. The eighth chakra is then the end of the body chakras and the beginning of the next group of chakras that continue above your head.
  • Begin with your left hand at your occipital neurovascular points at your brain stem and your right hand at your brow chakra. Move your hand down your body, one chakra at a time, ending at the root chakra—then reverse the process moving up your body one chakra at time, ending at your crown chakra.
  • Reverse hands. Your right hand is resting on your occipital neurovascular points at your brain stem and your left hand is balancing each of the chakras. Beginning at your brow chakra, breathe and balance each chakra as you move down your body, then breathe and balance each chakra, moving up your body and ending at your crown chakra. Then with your right hand remaining on your occipital neurovascular point at your brain stem, hold your left hand one hand’s length over your crown chakra and breathe at least three times to make contact with and balance your eighth chakra. Including the eighth chakra as you end the exercise incorporates high-C, and the chakra system that continues into your energy field (bio-field). The chakras continue past the seven body chakras, upward through your bio-field, and downward from your root chakra to the foot chakras that receive energy from the Earth.

Harmony Mind–Body Energetic Balance is completed. Rest quietly for a moment or two, appreciating how good you feel. This is a great energetic balance to work with when you are physically and emotionally tired, not feeling well or unable to sleep. Can be used as a meditation.