Harmony Meditation

Harmony Mind-Body Energetic Exercise© is an original energy healing exercise, based on your body’s own inner wisdom and its capacity for harmony, balance, wellness and well-being.

Harmony increases your capacity to relax, rejuvenate and heal emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You’ll find the full explanation and directions on pages 48-54 in Nurturing Wellness through Radical Self-Care: A Living in Balance Guide and Workbook as well as in the Introductory MP3 which is part of the gift.

The Harmony MP3, allows you to relax and enjoy this meditative energy medicine exercise so you won’t have to worry about what comes next. You can simply delight in it and learn the technique as you listen and rejuvenate your mind and body.

Warning: The Harmony Mind-Body Energetic Exercise is so soothing and so relaxing you might just have to create a special daily quiet time so you can soak up the benefits.

Harmony is wonderful when used daily for building awareness and self-knowledge as well as for relaxation, rejuvenation, and inner balance.

End Chronic Stress.

Establish your Relaxation Response.

Balance your nervous system with your chakra system for an increased quality of life.

Harmony Mind-Body Energetic Exercise IS Radical Self-Care!

Testimonial: “I had a terrible headache for hours, I think because I’ve been working so hard this week, and I decided to make another session with Harmony. Trust me, it created wonders! This system is awesome, and not only did I get rid of the headache, but it also made me feel as if I’d slept for hours. I can say that this system also heals the emotions, and restores your emotional energy, too. I skipped for two days of my daily sessions, and I felt extremley low, but one session was enough to help me recover.” – Selim Yeniceri

Introduction to Harmony Mind-Body Energetic Exercise
with Janet Nestor

Download (3 MB) (right-click and select “Save Link As”)

Or listen here (length 3:18)


Harmony Mind-Body Energetic Exercise with Janet Nestor

Download (65 MB) (right-click and select “Save Link As”)

Or listen here (length 26:54)

Interested in the written information about Harmony Mind-Body Energetic Exercise?
Download PDF here.